05 June 2009

Crazy week

And it was just that. Like a continuous Friday, the 13th with full moon.
To wind down from that the husband and I went for far too much Dim Sums tonight. It helped.
Now I'm just tired and nicely relaxed. Listening to some music, contemplating life, universe and the rest.

The last two days saw me wearing a lot of stuff crafted by me. I haven't done that for a while and I almost forgot how it feels to proudly wear what you designed. Or crafted.

Getting dressed

An Ishbel and a freeform headband. The shawl pin is off Etsy, the buttons on the headband are from several places, including Edinburgh.


A freeform tam, crocheted long time ago out of yarn (mill ends) I got in Ireland.
I also made the earrings and both necklaces myself.


And I love this - slightly too dark - picture, because it glitters:


Next week is going to be just as crazy as this week, if not more.
So a lot of relaxing will be done, recharging body and soul.
And maybe my order from Amazon, containing a Tarot set (Labyrinth Tarot by Royo) and three books will arrive. One book is a crochet book, one is The Scarlet Letter and the third one is Suzy, Led Zeppelin and me.
Yes, my taste is weird, even in literature.

1 comment:

Gudrun Johnston said...

Just wanted to say thanks for stopping by my blog.....hopefully I'll have the pattern available soon!
PS Love your hair!